Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
kiss me...make things right
" So when the fight is over,
And the storm is through,
Now will you pick another?
What will you get into?
So you stand in the corner,
With those boxing gloves on you,
You’re old, scared and lonely,
Yeah we’ve all been there too… uh uh
We’ve been all there too…
Kiss me, oh kiss me,
If that can make it right.
Try me, find me,
Just throw them on me…
Those failed expectations…
Floods and afflictions you’re through.
Cause I just might, take them home with me.
And the cracks in the pavement,
Yeah we’ve all fell there before,
And bones built into skeleton,
We’ve all been through that door.
Kiss me, oh kiss me,
If that can make it right.
Try me, find me,
Just throw them on me…
Those failed expectations…
Floods and afflictions you’re through.
Cause I just might…
Kiss me, oh kiss me,
Will that make things right ?
Try me, find me,
Just throw them on me…
Those failed expectations…
Floods and afflictions you’re through.
Cause I just might…
I just might, take you home.
Kiss me, kiss me,
We’ve all been there too,
Kiss me, kiss me
We have all been there too,
Kiss me, kiss me
We’ve all been there too,
Kiss me, kiss me
So kiss me…"
David Fonseca
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
fortune cookies*
perdeu quem n quis ca passar :P
45g manteiga sem sal, derretida
60g farinha
1) Aqueça previamente o forno a 180º. Forre um tabuleiro com papel vegetal e desenhe no papel 3 circulos de 8cm diametro.
2) Ponha as claras numa tigela e bata apenas ate formarem espuma. Junte o açucar granulado fino e a manteiga e mexa; depois junte a farinha e mexa ate ficar tudo macio. Deixe descansar 15 min.
3) Com a ajuda de uma faca, espalhe uma colher de chá rasa da mistura por cima de cada circulo. Leve ao forno durante 5 min ou ate começarema dourar nas bordas. Com uma faca retire rapidamente os biscoitos do tabuleiro. Ponha uma mensagem de sorte em cada biscoito. Dobre o biscoito formando um semi circulo; depois dobre-o outra vez na borda de um copo de vidro. Deixe arrefecer numa grelha e repita com a restante mistura. Nao faça mais do 2 a 3 biscoitos de cada vez, porque endurecem muito depressa e partem ao dobrar.